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Welcome to the Animals of Animal Jam Blog! Don't forget to comment or join!- Nargles :-)

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Crazy Stuff!

Hey people who follow my blog! Today we have reports of some crazy glitches! But as usual, the new item is...

A Firefly Necklace in Epic Wonders! I bet it's like the Construction hat; when you walk around it glows.
And, AJHQ reactivated the code discovery for 1,000 gems! Good, casue I'm broke right now >.<
Also, there was a strange glitch that happened after the update. The Pillow Room turned into the Medical Center!

Continuing on the topic of glitches, free chat was down for a while yesterday!

Here's the last glitch (you're welcome). The loading screen for Falling Phantoms wouldn't stop bothering poor hlyndzy around Jamaa!

Finally, there's a new article in the Daily Explorer!

That's all Jammers!
Blog of the Day-
Animal Jam Secret- If an item goes on clearance, the price ins't lowered, on Animal Jam, clearance means that it is your last chance to get something.

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