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Welcome to the Animals of Animal Jam Blog! Don't forget to comment or join!- Nargles :-)

Thursday, August 30, 2012


Update day!!!  Here are the details! But there are no alphas/shamans. Poooooooooooooo

100 million gems! We did it!!! Monkeys are back! Monkey, monkey, monkeeeeeey
On the next page, there's a new Monkey's Only party!

And nonmembers will be able to get into the party!

Um.......... ok.

Awesome! New videos about monkeys!
And some plants are back!!!!!!!

That doesn't count, but THIS does!

Pawsome! I love plants because they look really cool. There is also one new edition! You see, next time the trading party is on, go there and look around the curly plant is in there!
And the Summer Carnival is still around. So I spent an hour on there to get a carosoul hat for nothing. >:) I will get you for this AJHQ... just kidding! Maybe.....

I guess that's pretty cool........

Ouch! Look at those prices!

Awesome! A mythical giraffe! My dream has come true! Hehe....

The double gems is Long Shot, and that's 'bout it!


  1. Kewl. Your blog more looks like Animal Jam Spirit Blog because of the way you write. The text is almost the same as Snowy's text. And the pictures are the same. That doesn't mean I don't like your blog, I like it very much, but what I wanted to say is that you need to change it a little bit and show it by your way. Nobody writes the same. :)

    1. I am super super super sorry 'bout that! Lately, I've bee nwaking up at 7, and i need to leave for schoo lat 7:30ish and I juust haven't had the time to put all the creativity i should be into my posts. trust me, i went on a major guilt trip >.< but my computer won't let me take really good screen shots, so i have to use Snowy's. Thanks you sosososossoso much for the constructive critism and i promise i will start putting more of my personality into the posts!

    2. It's ok. I understand. I won't post any posts when monkey comes. Because of the school. The next post will be at winter hollydays.

  2. coool!!! But monkey pets?? I find that sorta strange..... Well, sorry I havent been commenting on your blog! :( I keep on forgetting and I'm kinda busy!



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